For those among my readers (assuming I have any) who are interested enough in this field to read
scientific articles, I'm throwing you a bone. Several bones actually. I've been recently digging into research related to my own as I'm preparing to write my first article and an initial literature review for my thesis.
Aesthetic interaction - a pragmatist's aesthetics of interactive systems (Marianne Graves Petersen, Ole Sejer Iversen, Peter Gall Krogh; 2004). This paper discusses different approaches to aesthetics in the design of interactive systems, analytic aesthetics and pragmatist aesthetics. Furthermore, the authors discuss aesthetic interaction, which is in many ways similar to what I call playful interaction. The authors introduce aesthetics as the fifth element of interaction design (the four others being system, tool, dialogue and media). Artistic interaction goes beyond so called added value.
Ambiguity as a Resource for Design (William Gaver, Jacob Beaver, Steve Benford; 2003). The authors of this article question the HCI convention of designing for one correct interpretation of a system. Instead, they suggest, ambiguity can be used in various ways to enhance user experience. The article points out that if users are left to figure out a system for themselves, they will be more affectionate towards it, and are more likely to accept it as is, and find surprising uses for it. They present three example systems that use ambiguity and three types of ambiguity: of information, of context and of relationship.
Designing Interaction, not Interfaces (Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, 2004). In this article, the author suggests a paradigm shift from designing interfaces to designing interaction. Interaction paradigms and interactions models are introduced. The article delves into the computer-as-tool paradigm. Interaction models are frameworks for guiding designers. Interaction design, in contrast to interface design, means considering the how of interaction more deeply than simply constructing interfaces that are easy to understand and efficient. For example, considering how is tool selection done instead of designing an efficient toolbar.
Heuristics for Designing Enjoyable User Interfaces: Lessons from Computer Games (Thomas W Malone, 1981). The first paper I was able to find that suggests taking influences from computer games in designing user interfaces. It suggests heuristics in three categories: challenge, fantasy and curiosity. These same heuristics have been presented first for instructional activities (also by Malone). Heuristics included under challenge are goal and uncertain outcome. Under fantasy there are emotional appeal and metaphors. Finally under curiosity there are the concepts of optimal level of information complexity and "well-formed" knowledge structures. Overall this paper is a good starting point.
Making by Making Strange: Defamiliarization and the Design of Domestic Technologies (Genevieve Bell, Mark Blythe, Phoebe Sengers; 2005). The authors of this article criticize how we can only improve upon current design unless we defamiliarize ourselves from the subject. To stress their point, the authors present examples of three studies that look at homes and domestic life outside our (western) field of familiarity. They present twelve statements to defamiliarize certain standard HCI design goals. I couldn't agree more - compare this article to some of my earlier blog posts and you'll see what I mean.
Staying Open to Interpretation: Engaging Multiple Meanings in Design and Evaluation (Phoebe Sengers, Bill Gaver; 2006). This article questions one of the core HCI principles: single authoritative interpretation. Already stated in The Design of Everyday Things (Don Norman), the goal is to make the designer's model understandable to the user. The authors here present six different strategies to make designs that are open to interpretation. Examples for each strategy are provided. This paper continues along the same lines as the ambiguity paper above.
So there, some of the papers that will most likely influence my research.